Peruvian - Organic

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  • $18.25

South American Coffee


MEDIUM / DARK ROAST    --  1lb Bags

Peru is the world’s largest producer of organic coffee.  This coffee is grown in the Peruvian Andes of San Ignacio and Cajamarca.  The region is lush with Typica, Pache, and Catimor varietals. 

You will find a clean, fragrant aroma and an overall very good balance with a medium acidity but a better body than other South American offerings. There is a very nice finish with a hint of an almost spicy flavor, notes of baking chocolate and a syrupy-sweet finish.

The farmers use natural shade and other generations-old, essentially “organic” techniques for years. Peruvian farms that use natural shade promote healthy ecosystems and preserve indigenous forests by providing sanctuary for local bird populations, who in turn control pests and insects, and help farmers avoid a reliance on chemicals and pesticides. Organic standards require all fertilizers and composts to be organic in nature, which goes hand-in-hand with these traditional growing methods, and the recycling of coffee pulp, mulch, and manure for compost.

Grown at 4,000 – 6,000 ft. elevations and harvested between July and November.