Nicaragua Jinotega - Organic

  • Sale
  • $18.35

Central American Coffee

Nicaragua Organic Jinotega

MEDIUM ROAST    --  1lb Bags

Our Nicaragua organic Jinotega coffee is produced by a family of multi-generation farmers located in the heart of the general taker area of Nicaragua. They are soil consists of clay and volcanic ash, and at an elevation of 4200 feet a general taker coffee is handpicked, washed, sun-dried, grated micro lot, and Smithsonian bird certified.

This coffee region is a major portion of a sprawling 5 million acre biosphere reserve which spans the entire northern portion of the Jinotega region along the Honduran border.   It is a land of countless jungles, rivers, volcanic mountain peaks, and lakes that are homes to large diverse populations of birds plants and animals, much of which to this day is unexplored.

Coffee is the number one export Nicaragua and like most Latin American nations, coffee production has been central to its culture and economy since the mid-1800s when it was first introduced.

Our Nicaraguan coffee is shade grown using old world sustainable methods that take advantage of these native trees that blanket much of its landscape and farming regions. Producers of this Nicaragua organic Jinotega coffee as well as Nicaraguan growers as a whole, have long been sensitive to the preservation of the environment and biodiversity, and use methods that prevent soil erosion, deforestation, contamination

This coffee is washed processed and sun-dried. You will experience winey acidity, floral aroma, creamy body notes of chocolate and citrus.