Columbian Supremo Medellin Antioquia

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  • $15.95

South American Coffee

LIGHTER ROAST         --  1lb Bags

Our Columbia Supremo Medellin Antioquia is comprised of several specialty grade coffee varieties, including Columbia, Castillo, and Caturra.  It is grown at elevations of 4,000 - 6,000 feet in the hills bordering the valley of Medellin.  This the highest quality Columbia bean available.  

The region has a decades-long, rich history of coffee making, contributing to making Columbia the third largest producer of coffee in the world.

Our Columbia Supremo main crop is harvested between October and December, with a mid-crop between April and June.  This washed coffee has a bright profile, slight almond in the cup, a bright acidity, and an apple-like aftertaste.