Congo Umoja

  • Sale
  • $18.75

African Coffee

Congo Umoja  

   from: Democratic Republic of Congo


**  Sorry, Currently Unavailable ... check again in a few weeks ... 


MEDIUM / DARK ROAST         --  1lb Bags

Umoja coffee thrives  in the Congolese forested highlands generally at an elevation ranging from 1,480-2,000 meters (4,800 to 6,500 feet).  The cooperative that provides our Congo Coffee consists of over 11,000 members, mostly small farmers, men and women for whom coffee is a vital and often the sole source of income and stability, and enables multiple stakeholders to help improve the living conditions of its members, providing schooling, housing, jobs, and reducing coffee smuggling on Lake Kivu, while promoting women’s pygmy rights.

The profile of this excellent coffee is a fruity lemon, orange, cantaloupe, black chocolate flavor and aroma;  heavy body;  short aftertaste.  It is extremely smooth, clean, sweet and balanced.

***While supplies last***